闇に蠢く Slithering in the Dark
???: 大司教は生き延びたようだな。
???: The archbishop lives.
Not that I had ever placed much faith in those swine from the Western Church.
???: ……公よ、悲報と朗報がある。
???: I have news, both good and bad.
The remains of Seiros were not in the tomb.
However, something else was. The sword of the Creator.
公 Lord という言葉が英語にはない
???: ほう、あの盗賊の……いや、“解放王”の剣か。
???: Ah, the weapon wielded by that thief, the King of Liberetion.
???: 盗賊……?まあ良い、手にしたのは新任の教師だ。
???: Thief? Hm. At any rate, it is now in the hands of the academy’s new professor.
I doubt you will be surprised to hear that the Crest Stone had already been removed from the sword when it was found.
???: む……そうであろうな。剣と石、二つを一つ所に保管するなどはあり得ぬ。
???: Hmph. As expected. It would be foolish to keep both in the same location.
???: だが、その教師……天帝の剣の力を使ってみせたぞ。
???: There’s more. The professor was able to awaken the sword’s true power.
Even without the Crest Stone, the sword glowed red. The professor’s Crest is compatible. There is no mistaking it.
???: 何だと?紋章石のない遺産を使えるはずが……。
???: Absurd. Using a Relic without its Crest Stone should be impossible…
The King of Liberation’s bloodline should not even… Hmm.
???: しばらく泳がせておくぞ。あの教師については情報が足りぬ。
???: They must be allowed to keep it, for now. I do not have enough information about the professor to act.
As for your request, I assent. The Death Knight is at your command. Use him well.
???: なるほど、あやつか……。よかろう、楽しみにしておくぞ。
???: Good. I believe I will enjoy this a great deal…